1986 to 1992

Stony - Lead Guitar

Mark Cadiz - Rhythm Guitar
Ron Woofter - Bass Guitar
Jake Kump - Bass Guitar
Todd Rogers - Bass Guitar
Phil Herring - Bass Guitar
Roger Beale - Drums
Chris Fisher - Drums
Jeff Ronnow - Drums
Kevin Whitehouse - Drums
Chris Cyga - Drums
Tim Ditmar - Drums
Paul Sutton - Keyboards
Eric Fox - Keyboards

"White Cloud" was my first solo group endeavor, which spanned many years, and many band members, all of whom added their own unique abilities and qualities as musicians to the project. We played many clubs throughout O.C. & L.A., and I did many guest appearances with other bands, including a few gigs with "The Shrinky Dinx" (who later became "Sugar Ray"), the band "Electra Flo" from L.A., and several White Cloud mini-tours to San Diego State University, and to the epic outdoor concerts at People's Park in Isla Vista, Santa Barbara, California, where the amps were always cranked to "11"!!!!!



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